Horizon Imaging

Roof of industrial unit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, inspected using our drone and telescopic mast

What do you do if you have an inaccessible roof that you need to photograph? Call in Horizon Imaging of course! We were recently commissioned to take some aerial inspection photographs of an industrial unit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The new tenant had just taken out a 15 year lease on the property, and he required an initial set of photographs detailing the condition of the roof so he had a record of the roof’s condition at the beginning of his tenancy. 
We opted to use both our drone and our telescopic mast to take the inspection photographs as the site was bounded very closely by main roads and railway lines, and the drone could only safely take off and hover over one side of the building whilst maintaining the mandatory CAA-enforced 50 metre separation from these hazards. 
Drone aerial inspection photograph of an industrial unit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The red line denotes the boundary of the client’s property. Click to enlarge. 
Mast aerial inspection photograph of an industrial unit in Tunbridge Wells, Kent. The red lines denotes the boundary of the client’s property. Click to enlarge. 
The drone offered a fantastic birds-eye view of the entire roof, which immediately highlighted a potentially serious problem – namely that all the metal plates covering the ridge of the roof were either displaced or missing altogether – something which the client was not previously aware of as it was not visible from ground level. The mast photographs then allowed for much closer inspection photographs to be taken from around the edges of the property, perfectly complementing the drone imagery. During the post-processing phase, red lines were added on the computer to make it easier to see the boundary of the client’s property on the photos. 
Our client, Fit4Less, found the resulting imagery invaluable and they recently sent us this kind testimonial about the service they received from us: 

“We commissioned Horizon Imaging to take some aerial photographs of our unit’s roof with a drone and a telescopic mast, as we needed to record its condition at the start of its lease. This proved a fantastic way to gain high quality images of the entire roof whereas hiring a “cherry picker” would have only accessed the edges. As it happens, this enabled us to pick up on some important detail on the centre ridge that might otherwise have been missed. Horizon Imaging were extremely professional and a pleasure to deal with throughout and delivered ahead of schedule.” 

Do you have an awkward roof or part of a building that needs to be quickly inspected without the hassle of erecting scaffolding or using a cherry picker? Get in touch with us today and let us explain the benefits of using our drone and our telescopic mast for aerial inspection. 

Please feel free to get in touch with us, we'd be delighted to chat through your requirements with you!

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