Horizon Imaging

Introducing a brand new service – Interactive Virtual Tours – start exploring our World in a different way

Horizon Imaging is excited to announce the launch of a completely new service alongside our Architectural, Mast and Drone Aerial Photography services – Interactive Virtual Tours. 
Built on David’s experience in producing High Dynamic Range images for his Architectural Photography clients and capturing panoramic images using specialised panorama equipment in his spare time, Horizon Imaging’s interactive Virtual Tours allow the user to immerse themselves in a beautifully realistic virtual world. You can jump between different locations using ‘hotspots’ and engage with fully-interactive virtual content such as localised sound effects, audio narration, embedded images, videos and overview maps. 
A Tour consists of a number of 360-degree spherical panoramas, each constructed from photographs taken looking in all possible directions. This allows the viewer to ‘look’ in any direction they choose, as if they were standing in the virtual world. These panoramas are then linked together such that entire environments can be navigated – whether exploring buildings by ‘walking’ through doorways, or exploring large outdoor environments by following multiple hotspots or jumping between locations on a map. 
More exciting still is the possibility of incorporating aerial panoramas taken using Horizon Imaging’s 50-foot telescopic mast into the Virtual Tours, allowing the user to jump to locations impossible to reach in the real world! In early 2015, Horizon Imaging also plans to adapt our brand new aerial photography drone to take high-altitude aerial panoramas up to 400 feet above the ground for a truly birds-eye view! 
For more information, please click on the globe image on the right, or click here. Alternatively if you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 
A screenshot from one of the 7 locations in Horizon Imaging’s Virtual Tour of a Kefalonian Holiday Villa 

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